Basketball Win

Last weekend our basketball team played one of the best team in the league. We played well throughout the whole game. In the fourth quarter we were down by two points. My teammates worked hard to get the ball to me. I had to make this shot count. One dribble and then a shot. “Swish”. The game was going into overtime. For the rest of the game we shut them down so they could not score. Taking three shots and making them all to win the game was one of the coolest things I’ve done in a game. Surely I will never forget that close game.

Gt Project Update

So, as you know I am working on my Gt project. The other two group members moved to a different class due to schedule changes. They had over half of the stuff we worked on. Because of this I had to go back to my old project on a biodegradable water bottle. I didn’t have any of the material to make this, but because I am a good editor I managed to pull it off on film. So it all ended fine and I got a good grade. So I guess there is a lesson in this, and that is always have a back-up plan because you never know if something will go wrong.